Prinsip kerja kipas aliran aksial


When the impeller rotates, the gas enters the impeller axially from the air inlet, and is pushed by the blades on the impeller to increase the energy of the gas, and then flows into the guide vane. The guide vanes turn the deflected airflow into an axial flow, and at the same time guide the gas into the diffuser, further convert the kinetic energy of the gas into pressure energy, and finally introduce it into the working pipeline. penggemar aksiallading dianggo kanthi cara sing padha karo swiwi pesawat. Nanging, sing terakhir ditrapake angkat ing swiwi lan ndhukung bobot pesawat, nalikapenggemar aksialnahan posisi lan ngobahake hawa. Bagean salib saka penggemar aksial umume bagean airfoil.
Axial Fan
Vanes bisa dipasang ing posisi utawa diputer babagan sumbu longitudinal. Sudut baling-baling menyang aliran udara utawa jarak baling-baling bisa ora luwes utawa luwes. Ngganti amba agul-agul utawa Jarak iku salah siji saka kaluwihan utama sakapenggemar aksial. Sudut pitch agul-agul cilik ngasilake tingkat aliran sing luwih murah, nalika nambah pitch ngasilake tingkat aliran sing luwih dhuwur. Penggemar aksial majeng duwe kemampuan kanggo ngganti jarak bilah nalika penggemar mlaku (padha karo rotor helikopter), saéngga ngganti tingkat aliran. Iki diarani variabel vane (VP)penggemar aksial.

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